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Outsource Your Cyber Security

Have you ever heard the term: never mark your own homework? Well this rings true for cyber security. Let’s go one step further and breakdown core cyber security services and understand why outsourcing may be better for you than in-house.

Security Operations Centre

Most businesses don’t have half a million lying around to set up an entire Security Operations Centre. And £500,000 is still at the lower end of the scale. Setting up a SOC needs this and more, as you need to have the right personnel and have 24/7/365 shift patterns. Outsourcing a SOC could cost a fraction of that. For example, our 24/7/365 Advanced Threat Detection & Response SOC costs less than one full time SOC analyst. At £36,000 a year that’s less than 10% of what it would cost to set your own up in house.

More information about our Security Operations Centre

Penetration Testing

If you decide to have your penetration testers in house, chances are that they work closely with the IT department. Can you be 100% certain that they will be completely impartial when testing your network. Do you think they would be worried that if they disclosed something it would affect the IT team? Outsourcing your penetration testing to us means that we are completely impartial. We work with you to identify everything that could be a threat to your organisation, and we work with your teams to ensure that you are secure.

More information about our Penetration Testing


Having phishing tests and training in house means that not everybody will be tested. For example, if your phishing is done via your IT team, then your IT team knows what is coming. Engaging with our HarpoonX managed phishing service means that we can test everybody in your organisation and understand what trends there are in your business. Your IT team might be susceptible to one thing but your Accounts team another. We would create a bespoke training program for you so you have that complete personalised experience.

More information about Harpoon X Managed Phishing

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With a continued focus on security, you can rest assured that breaches and exploits won't be holding you back.

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