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Fintech Cybersecurity: Looking Ahead to 2024 



As we step into 2024, the Fintech sector is poised at a crucial juncture, balancing the pursuit of innovation with the need for robust cybersecurity.  

This blog explores the predictions and anticipations for the Fintech cybersecurity landscape in the upcoming year, focusing on emerging technologies, potential risks, and the key areas that should be the focus of cybersecurity efforts. 

Emerging Technologies and Their Impact 

2024 is set to witness the continued evolution and adoption of cutting-edge technologies within the Fintech industry.  

Blockchain, AI and machine learning, and the increasing use of cloud services are at the forefront of this transformation. These technologies promise enhanced efficiency, improved customer experiences, and new financial products and services. However, they also introduce complex cybersecurity challenges. 

Blockchain, while offering enhanced security features, isn’t immune to cyber threats. Issues such as code vulnerabilities and smart contract flaws can be exploited by attackers.  

Similarly, AI and machine learning models, if not properly secured, can be subject to data poisoning and model-stealing attacks. 

The Growing Cloud Security Imperative 

With Fintech firms increasingly relying on cloud services for scalability and agility, cloud security becomes more critical than ever.  

In 2024, we expect to see a greater emphasis on cloud security practices, including advanced data encryption, access controls, and continuous security monitoring.  

The shared responsibility model in cloud computing will demand Fintech companies to be more vigilant about their part in ensuring data security. 

The Intensifying Threat Landscape 

Cyber threats are expected to grow both in sophistication and frequency.  

Ransomware attacks, which have seen a steep rise in recent years, are anticipated to become more targeted towards the Fintech sector.  

Phishing attacks, particularly those leveraging AI to create more convincing fake communications, are another area of concern.  

The growing trend of API-based attacks, exploiting vulnerabilities in Fintech applications and platforms, will also be a significant threat to watch. 

Regulatory Trends and Compliance 

As we approach 2024, regulatory compliance remains a central concern for Fintech companies. The landscape is governed by stringent regulations like GDPR and PSD2, and the upcoming frameworks continue to shape operational practices.  

A key focus will be the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), with its compliance deadline looming in 2025. Fintech and financial services organisations will need to make concerted efforts in 2024 to align with DORA’s requirements. 

DORA is set to redefine the standards for digital operational resilience in the financial sector. It mandates strict rules around Information and Communication Technology (ICT) risk management, incident reporting, and operational resilience.  

For Fintech firms, this means adopting a more comprehensive approach to cybersecurity, focusing on not just the protection of digital assets but also ensuring the resilience of their entire digital operation. 

In preparation for the 2025 deadline, 2024 will be a critical year for Fintech companies to assess and upgrade their cybersecurity infrastructures. This includes enhancing incident response capabilities, ensuring robust data protection measures, and establishing effective third-party risk management practices. 

The anticipation of increased enforcement actions and fines for non-compliance underscores the urgency of these preparations. Regulatory compliance in 2024 is not just about legal adherence; it’s about safeguarding the business’s future in a rapidly evolving digital financial landscape. 

Fintech companies are encouraged to proactively engage with cybersecurity experts and service providers to navigate the complex requirements of DORA and other regulatory frameworks.  

Aligning with these regulations will not only ensure legal compliance but also bolster trust among customers and partners, ultimately contributing to the long-term success and resilience of the business. 

The Role of SOC Services in Achieving DORA Compliance and Beyond 

As Fintech companies gear up for 2024, with the pivotal task of aligning with the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), the role of Security Operations Centre (SOC) services becomes increasingly significant.  

SOC services offer a robust solution not only for meeting DORA’s stringent requirements but also for fulfilling the criteria necessary for obtaining banking licenses. 

24/7 SOC Service: A Key to DORA Compliance 

DORA’s focus on ICT risk management, incident reporting, and operational resilience calls for an integrated approach to cybersecurity. This is where a 24/7 SOC service comes into play.  

With continuous monitoring and threat detection capabilities, SOCs provide comprehensive oversight and proactive defence mechanisms required under DORA. They facilitate real-time incident response and management, ensuring that Fintech companies can promptly address and report cybersecurity incidents – a core requirement of DORA. 

Enhancing Operational Resilience 

Operational resilience is a cornerstone of DORA, and SOC services are instrumental in achieving it. By continuously analysing and responding to cyber threats, a SOC service can help Fintech companies maintain uninterrupted business operations.  

This is especially vital for those seeking to obtain or retain banking licenses, where demonstrating robust cybersecurity measures is a prerequisite. 

SOC Services and Banking License Criteria 

For Fintech firms aspiring to acquire banking licenses, showcasing a strong cybersecurity posture is essential.  

SOC services support this goal by providing advanced security monitoring and fraud detection capabilities. They help in safeguarding sensitive financial data, a crucial element in meeting the cybersecurity criteria set by banking regulators.  

The real-time detection capabilities of SOC services play a pivotal role in protecting against one of the financial sector’s most prevalent threats. 

The Future-Ready Fintech 

In 2024, as Fintech companies navigate a landscape marked by regulatory changes and evolving cyber threats, partnering with a reliable SOC service provider can be a game-changer.  

It not only ensures DORA compliance and aids in meeting banking license criteria, but also fortifies the overall cybersecurity posture of the company. 

At DigitalXRAID, our CREST-accredited SOC service is tailored to meet the unique challenges faced by the Fintech sector. We understand the criticality of both compliance and operational resilience in this dynamic industry. Learn more about our XDR powered SOC service.  

Other Focus Areas for Cybersecurity in 2024 

In response to day-to-day cybersecurity challenges, there are several key areas where Fintech firms can focus their efforts: 

  • Enhanced Data Protection: As Fintech companies handle sensitive financial data, implementing robust data protection mechanisms such as ISO 27001 certification will be crucial. This also includes encryption, strong authentication methods, and secure data storage practices. 
  • Investment in Threat Intelligence: Staying ahead of cyber threats requires comprehensive threat intelligence. Investing in services that provide real-time insights into emerging threats will be crucial for proactive defence. 
  • Employee Training and Awareness: Human error remains a significant vulnerability. Continuous training and awareness programs for employees to recognise and respond to cyber threats are essential. 
  • Robust Incident Response Plans: Having a well-defined and regularly tested incident response plan will be key in mitigating the impact of any security breach. 
  • Partnerships with Cybersecurity Experts: Collaborating with cybersecurity experts and service providers can bring in the necessary expertise and resources, especially for Fintech companies that might not have extensive in-house cybersecurity teams. 

As we look towards 2024, it’s clear that Fintech companies need to be on high alert and prepared for an evolving cybersecurity landscape.  

At DigitalXRAID, we’re committed to making sure the bad guys don’t win. We provide the expertise and solutions required to navigate your cybersecurity challenges now and into the future.  

Get in touch to find out how we can support you in enhancing your cybersecurity posture, ensuring you’re well-prepared to face the challenges of the new year and beyond. 

If you’d like to dive deeper into the top challenges facing the financial services and fintech industry going into 2024, plus get insights into how DORA and emerging technology will affect cybersecurity strategies, read the ebook.  

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