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Cyber Basics Every Business Owner Should Know

The cyber world can be a confusing one, full of abbreviations, codes and complexities that can feel threatening to a novice. However, as a business owner it is imperative that you are aware of the basics of cyber security and best practice to protect your business and your employees from the security threats that are ever present.

Here are some real basics that are easy for anyone to implement!

1. Secure your Wi-Fi network

Make sure your company Wi-Fi is secure, encrypted and hidden. You need to password protect access to the router and keep the password to those who need access. This will not only keep your network secure but help with your internet speed too!

2. Passwords

You must use unique passwords and change them regularly. You must also ensure your employees do the same and you could also consider implementing two factor authentication to your systems so that it takes more than a single password to access certain systems.

3. Payment Cards

Work with your bank and processors to make sure you have the necessary security measures in place and that you are using all the anti-fraud services available to you. Don’t use the same computer to surf the internet and process payments.

4. Limit Employees

Don’t give any one employee access to all data systems and don’t allow employees to install software on company computers without consent.

5. Update Software

Instead of ignoring or turning off those pesky popup reminders about your software updates, take the time to let them update. Keeping your software and anti-virus updating is a basic in cyber security protection.

6. Back Up

Ensure that you have all your data and important documents and information backed up. You need to do an automatic back up at least weekly to a separate hard drive or online storage. Back up’s on hard drives should be stored separately to your business computers in case of fire, flood or theft at the premises.

7. Train Employees

It is important to train your employees in the basics of cyber security and give them clear company policies for the use of the internet and company computers.

8. Check emails and attachments carefully

Clicking on malicious links in emails or on pop ups can lead to the installation of viruses or malware on your computer. Employees should also be warned not to bring in their own portable USB’s or external hard drives if they could be corrupt.

9. Dispose of old computers carefully

Before disposing of old computers and storage media you must first ensure that all the data has been removed. The best way to do this is to destroy external storage devices and remove and destroy the hard drive and any connectors from the computer.

10. Seek professional security help

Many businesses reach the point where they need to pull in outside professional help to improve their cyber security. Look into the options and go with a company that has good reviews and experience with dealing with businesses of your size.

Do try and implement as much of the above possible to ensure that you are protecting your business. If you have any questions or would like further help on any aspect of cyber security, then do contact our team.

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