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Protect Your Manufacturing Business with Regular Penetration Testing

Manufacturers are increasingly reliant on digital systems to manage their operations. However, with this increasing dependence on technology comes the risk of cyberattacks. This digitalisation of the manufacturing industry makes them more vulnerable to, and increases the likelihood of, cyberattacks that can lead to serious financial losses and reputational damage.  

Regular penetration testing is crucial for identifying and addressing vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cybercriminals. Penetration testing is a crucial process that involves testing digital systems to uncover potential weaknesses that could be exploited by hackers attempting to gain unauthorised access to an organisation’s network.  

Cyberattacks in the manufacturing industry 

The manufacturing industry has seen a significant increase in cyberattacks in recent years, with a 155% increase in attacks in just one year, according to the Manufacturing Cybersecurity Threat Survey by Deloitte. In addition, despite a substantial increase in cyber security defense spending, around 51% of manufacturing companies experienced cyberattacks on their cloud infrastructure over the last year.  

Top 6 Manufacturing industry threats: 

  • Ransomware: With 14% of incidents in North America being targeted at manufacturers, the manufacturing industry is at increased threat of ransomware attacks 
  • Phishing: 95% of cyberattacks start with phishing, plus phishing accounts for 85% of all the cyber threats to manufacturing businesses. It remains one of the most prevalent risks in the field 
  • Insider Threats: 75% of cyberattacks originate from within the organization. 40% start with an employee falling victim to a phishing or social engineering scam. Manufacturing insider threats could include any people with access to your offices and computer network, including third parties and contractors 
  • IP Theft: Intellectual property is the most valuable asset for any manufacturing company. IP theft is recorded as one of the most expensive cyber threats that hackers looking to steal sensitive information may attempt. The most common method is to access the network through underhanded means and panting malware that allows them to obtain sensitive information without being noticed 
  • Supply Chain Attacks: Cybercriminals may target a manufacturer’s partners or suppliers. They can gain access to the network by compromising the networks of third parties in their supply chain. Once they have access to the network, they can attack the manufacturer to steal data, disrupt the supply, and plant malware to halt production. 

Regular penetration testing can help manufacturers identify and address vulnerabilities to reduce the risk of data breaches, minimise the impact of successful attacks, and ensure the continued safety and reliability of their operations. 

The importance of penetration testing for manufacturing companies 

Recent cyberattacks on the manufacturing industry demonstrate the importance of regular penetration testing and implementing a comprehensive cybersecurity program. Manufacturing was the most targeted sector for ransomware cyberattacks in 2022, according to IBM Security’s 2023 X-Force Threat Intelligence Index, making it imperative for manufacturers to take cybersecurity seriously. 

Manufacturers should start by conducting both internal penetration testing and external penetration testing to test the digital systems used within the organisation and any systems that are accessible from outside. Failure to adequately protect digital systems can result in significant financial losses, reputational damage, and legal penalties. 

Internal penetration testing involves testing digital systems used within the organisation, such as servers, workstations, and databases, to identify any vulnerabilities that exist within the network. External penetration testing involves testing digital systems accessible from outside the organisation, such as websites and web applications, to identify any vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers attempting to gain unauthorised access to the organisation’s network. 

Manufacturers must implement a wider comprehensive cybersecurity program that includes regular penetration testing to protect their digital systems. This can help reduce the overall risk of a data breach and minimise the impact of any successful attacks. It’s important for manufacturers to stay up to date with the latest cybersecurity threats and implement the necessary measures to address them. 

The cost of a data breach for a manufacturing company is significant, with the average cost being $4.99 million according to a survey by the Ponemon Institute. This includes the cost of lost productivity, legal fees, and reputational damage. Manufacturers cannot afford to neglect their cybersecurity measures as the financial losses and reputational damage can be catastrophic. 

Manufacturers are attractive targets for cybercriminals due to their low tolerance for downtime and older, less-supported software that leaves many ICS components and OT networks vulnerable to older vulnerabilities.  

What’s next? 

Manufacturers must prioritise the protection of their digital systems by conducting regular penetration testing. Recent cyberattacks on the manufacturing industry demonstrate the importance of regular penetration testing and implementing a comprehensive cybersecurity program. Failure to adequately protect digital systems can result in significant financial losses, reputational damage, and legal penalties.  

By taking these steps, manufacturers can ensure the continued safety and reliability of their operations, minimise the risk of financial losses, and protect their reputation.  

If you’re concerned about the increase in ransomware attacks in the manufacturing industry and are looking into how you can better protect your business, get in touch with us. We have some of the highest qualified security professionals in the country ready to help you take your first step to safeguard your organisation.   

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